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2024, January - March

Artistic research residency at Ircam to create musical studies using a fleet of 40 Raspberry Pi connected and synchronized through the network.

People involved: Etienne Démoulin, Matéo Fayet, Jean-Brice Godet, Aliénor Golvet, Jean-Philippe Lambert, Benjamin Matuszewski and Suzanne Saint-Cast

DOTS - residence espro 2024

2024, 5-6 February

Benjamin Matuszewski and Frédéric Bevilacqua presented the paper Composed epistemologies - A case from computer music research at the Undone Computer Science conference in Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04451057⟩

2024, 10-12 January

Benjamin Matuszewski conducted the professional training course "Design d’expériences audio sur le web - Perfectionnement"

2023, 4-6 December

Benjamin Matuszewski conducted the professional training course "Design d’expériences audio sur le web - Initiation"

2023, 1 December

Suzanne Saint-Cast joined the DOTS team as research engineer

2023, 21 November

Aliénor Golvet and Benjamin Matuszewski participated in the concert-laboratory that took place at Ircam during the Journées Perception Sonore 2023.

2023, 26-27 October

Benjamin Matuszewski presented a demo from Rapid Prototyping of Distributed Musical Things using Web Technologies at the 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds in Pisa, Italy. ⟨hal-04352459⟩

2023, 13 October

Kick-off meeting with all partners

2023, 12-13 October

Seminar "Technologies interactives et communautés de pratiques artistiques" at Ircam, co-organized with Sarah Fdili Alaoui and the LivingArchive project

See also:

2023, 4 September

Jean-Philippe Lambert joined the DOTS team as research engineer

2023, 23-26 May

Aliénor Golvet presented the paper Simone : un instrument distribué pour l'étude des interactions improvisées collectives. at the Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 2023) at the MSH, Saint-Denis, France. ⟨hal-04249506⟩

Aliénor Golvet received the Prix jeune chercheuse de l'AFIM

DOTS - ANR-22-CE33-0013-01

IrcamIrcamCNRSSorbonne UniverstiéMinistère de la Culture